Sunday, December 27, 2009

Latino Christmas

Christmas has just been lovely.

Christmas Eve was done more in the Latin Tradition. We had a wonderful dinner party for friends that lasted until past midnight where we drank wine and chatted and ate lots of delicious food. Well actually, I ate collard greens, which were not delicious; but everyone else had pork loin cooked in cherry sauce and turkey and cheese and other lovely things that I would have enjoyed greatly in my previous life!

Luis of course wanted to open the presents at 12:01am, which to me is ridiculous. You don't open your presents at 12:01! It totally leaves out Santa! I said maybe you could open up one present that consisted of a set of pajamas the night before, but you couldn't open up everything! You had to go to bed, and Santa had to come, and presents were for the morning!

It's a really hard concept for these crazy Latin people, who don't have Santa. I don't really understand what they have, because they do have presents on Christmas day, but they say that Baby Jesus brings them, which is retarded. How can a baby bring presents? A big fat guy coming down the chimney makes more sense than a three hour old infant, aren't I right?

Luis and I are going to have to really get our stories straight with our unborn children so they aren't traumatized by conflicting Christmas myths.

Anyways, we opened presents, I drank organic chocolate with soy milk, and we enjoyed the snow that had fallen the night before. We slept in, took a nap, and went to bed early. It was lovely and relaxing.

I did get a sexy set of flannel Christmas pajamas from Luis.


  1. This post is hilarious! Sounds like fun Dana...hope you are feeling good and all is well!


  2. Actually, it's like Christmas in Guatemala too.. We're used to opening present at 12:05 and then playing with the new presents / toys until you pass out. Britt is not as down for this either, since she has more into the US tradition (like you). We also need to figure this out for our future unborn kids... Ah, the joy on intercultural relationships!

  3. Did you find the being away for two weeks bit? You can presumably discover a training camp close to your home, however in all likelihood you will wind up going to a MCSA training camp far from your home, sufficiently far away where it is not justified, despite any potential benefits to drive. MCSA
