Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Christmas in June! and 100 degrees . . .

I have received so many sweet gifts and things recently. My friends and family are so generous to me!

A girlfriend of mine, Emily, volunteers for LiveStrong, Lance's organization, and sent me tons of material from them. I can't wait to go through it because Lance's case has been such and inspiration for me (and my Dad!).

Other girlfriends from college sent me a Big Box filled with Georgetown clothing and pencils and mugs and pint glasses. It was so wonderful and reminded me so much of school when your biggest worry was your grades and Dip Ball.

When I was in Hawaii, family friends, Paul and Anne, gave me a gift certificate to amazon which I spent on vegan cook books and a book that Nani, my friend from middle school, suggested to me. It is called Anti-Cancer.

After undergoing chemotherapy and surgery for brain cancer, Servan-Schreiber, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, asked his oncologist if any lifestyle changes would prevent a relapse; the answer was no. Certain this was wrong, Servan-Schreiber spent months researching a mass of scientific data on natural defenses against cancer.
Really looking forward to it getting here!

Being 29, it seems like everyone and their mother is getting engaged, married, or popping out children, and I am getting emails about a lot of gift registries. I wanted to give a shout out to a really cool service called Live for the Challenge, that is a MEDICAL GIFT REGISTRY. Basically, the cancer fighter sets it up (or their family and friends do), and their supporters can help take the edge off of life by getting them gifts they want.

I mentioned LiveStrong above, and my friend/ex boss from my old life at Meltwater is doing a 100 mile LiveStrong Bike Race in San Jose next month to raise money for cancer in my name. Having gone on a Camp NorWester Little Big Trip with Lisa Jardine biking around, I know exactly how tough that is! 50 miles can be brutal depnding on the terrain. If you want to donate to Jonas' effort to raise awareness and support cancer and boobs and me, click here!

Luis and I will be house hunting tomorrow in Cedar Hill, and pretty suburb of Dallas (and you have no idea how hard it is to use the words pretty, suburb, and Dallas all in the same sentence). Will post the houses that we like (if any!)

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