Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Did you Leave Your Lymph Nodes At Home?

"Did you leave your lymph nodes at home?"

"Huh?" I had no idea what he was talking about.

Dr. Khan looked at my eyes. "Have you been feeling your lymph nodes?"

Uh . . . I wasn't sure what the right answer was. So I told him the truth. "No, I have been to scared that I will, you know, push the cancer around and into other parts of my body."

He gave me a smile. "Your lymph nodes in your neck are no longer palpable. Except for the one we biopsied, which will be enlarged because of the needle. You have had an excellent reaction to the chemo therapy, and it has only been six days. And your tumor in your breast is no longer outwardly visible, it seems to have been reduced as well . . . you remember, I told you I was hopeful about you."

What, wait, wait, wait? What? Was this actually a bit of good news?

Dr. Khan scribbled in his notebook, and muttered, "I think we can downgrade you to a Stage III, as the cancer is no longer in distant lymph nodes."

I looked at my mom, whose eyes were wide and mouth was open.

"You mean," I cleared my throat. "It shrunk already?"

Dr. Khan nodded.

WOOOHOOOOOOOOOO! So I did a little victory dance, did my blood work, and then proceeded to call my husband, my father, and my brother, Paul, whose typically tepid reaction was. "That's cool."

I am so excited. I haven't been this happy since, well, I can't remember.

So not to get all metaphysical on y'all (the Texan in me), but I really really really believe that one of the major contributing reasons was everyone's thoughts and messages. I received over 150 emails and wall posts (Facebook). If all of those people just thought about me for the 30 seconds it took to write the post, that is a lot of positive energy flowing my way!

Coincidentally, Time Magazine's Cover Article this week is called, How Faith can Heal. And while I am nowhere near religious, my new age hippy-ness completely has faith in the power of mind over matter and how lots of people thinking the same thing can cause physical events to unfold.

The whole point of this is to thank you for all your love, support, prayers, thoughts, positive energy, good vibes, or whatever you want to call it. I wholeheartedly believe that it all of you who caused my tumor to have such an extreme reaction to the chemo.

I know the skeptics will remember that I had mentioned before that aggressive tumors do react well to chemotherapy, but even the stoic Dr. Khan (aka Dr. Gandhi) was quite amazed, and even SMILED (he is the one who said to me the week before, "You have a serious problem." ).
He looks like Gandhi, doesn't he?

To chasten things, I am still not by any means out of the woods, and I am looking forward to a lot more vomiting, low white blood cell count induced sickness, and rough patches, BUT I am heading in the right direction! So thank you, gracias, and lots of mahalos!


  1. Hey Dana, I don't think i'd have to got out on a limb to say that hearing about the great news is all any of your friends ever need! Whether its our positive thoughts, your great spirit, super drugs or a combination of all three, the important thing is that things look better.

    That being said, I'm doubling my thinking of you efforts


  2. Dana! Qué noticiononón tan maravilloso! Me alegró muchísimo leer la excelente respuesta que has tenido!! Estoy de acuerdo contigo en que la mente logra que el cuerpo haga lo que sea, y que muchas mentes meditando ú orando por un mismo objetivo aumentan las posibilidades de obtener un resultado positivo! Pero lo más cierto de todo es que eres una mujer excepcional, una berraca -como ya lo habíamos establecido en nuestra comunicación anterior- y que eres tú la que atrae toda la buena energía con la que tu familia y amigos te rodeamos! Te mando muchas felicitaciones por semejante avance tan positivo; y otras tantas a Luis por su cumpleaños y por merecerte y hacerse merecer, como decimos por acá!
    Un abrazote,
    PS- If you have any difficulty understanding the note above is no fault of yours, but mine: I've deliberately chosen almost run-on sentences to trick you a bit! ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Gandhidoctor rocks! Does he say quotes to like
    "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."?

  5. Yeayyyy!!! Viva, viva! De acuerdo contigo al 100% sobre la fuerza y el poder de la mente y la energía que emitimos. Te mando más de la buena vibra que ha estado yendo en tu dirección todos estos días. Un abrazo y adelante! Nina

  6. Great work. Thanks for sharing! :)
